I’m going to challenge you. They say that a good deed brings it back to you ten fold, so let’s get the ball rolling!

I challenge you this holiday season to:

Call that friend, the one that you are thinking of when you are driving and wondering how they are doing?  Yes, call that one.

Open the door for someone, or several someone's.

Baked too many goodies for the holidays? Take some and share at work!

Clean out your stack of blankets, drop them & some food off at the local shelter or spca.

Have an extra Christmas card?  Leave one in your mailbox made out to your "USPS Superstar" with some cookies!

Drop off crayons and a coloring book in the waiting room at the salon when you are getting your hair/nails done!

Eating out this week?  Pay for someone's meal in the drive thru or restaurant. 

Drop off Christmas cards to the nursing home for the residents.

Have an elderly neighbor?  See if they'd like to join you for Christmas dinner or a plate taken over to them.

Put a Thank you card on your trash bin the day after Christmas, or tip your sanitation worker when you take your trash, it's a hard few days for them after the holidays.

Pay compliments.  Yes, even to strangers and especially to retail workers & gas station attendants.

Let someone go in front of you in the grocery line.

Know you are getting new shoes and jackets for Christmas?  Take your old one to the shelter.

Pray for your family & friends. 

On social media alot?  Make it a point to only share positivity!  Spread the joy, even if you are having a bad day!

See all the pampering & hygiene clearance gift sets at Target & Walmart?  Grab a few, pop a bow on them and drop them off at the nursing home; let the nurses know you'd like them to go to whoever never has visitors.  They'll know exactly who needs them.

Tape a dollar to a toy at the dollar store.

Thank God.  Literally, thank Him.

Have more ideas?  Comment your good deed ideas!!!

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