everything hurts

I had an illusion that my kids would also see me as a friend when they were older. Sadly, that hasn't worked out. I thought it had but I guess I was wrong. "Don't respond to her right now and then she'll stop tripping" when I commented on some better choices at a grocery store.... Continue Reading →


I'm going to challenge you. They say that a good deed brings it back to you ten fold, so let's get the ball rolling! I challenge you this holiday season to: Call that friend, the one that you are thinking of when you are driving and wondering how they are doing? Yes, call that one.... Continue Reading →

Overdoing Gifts, Help!

What are too many gifts? Do you go by a set dollar amount per person each season or do you set a number to give? I personally have always "said" I would stick to a guideline but never followed through on a guideline or dollar amount... I also enjoy wrapping presents... :/ This is not... Continue Reading →

Pieces of me

I eat my eggs with hot sauce. I didn't know that was my preferred way for years, I used to have scrambled eggs with cheese and ketchup. I still like that way too. I've never been a fan of eating alone at a restaurant, though I've done it.... not my favorite thing. I prefer the... Continue Reading →

Workplace Chaos 2

So here we are, weeks later and there's been a resolution. I was seeking a new path and a new direction due to many unfortunate circumstances at work and found one. Here's how it has played out. The job seemed to literally fallen into my lap when I was just beginning to do the whole... Continue Reading →

Workplace Chaos

I need to work on being able to put on a "happy" face at work (or at least 'content')... because honestly I'm miserable in my current career now. My job description is something that I love, my actual duties that pertain to my job, still love. It's the chaos, the coworkers, the boss, management and... Continue Reading →

Regrets, what’s that mean to you?

Most people have regrets about things that they did or said. I have those too. Don't we all? But most of my regrets are of things I didn't do. I regret not making enough changes. I regret being so scared of change that I didn't allow myself enough growth. I encourage my husband and kids,... Continue Reading →

Starting Over

Let's talk about starting over for a minute! I'm starting my blog over; am I going to delete old posts? NO. WHY? Because they're part of my journey. Am I going to start a new chapter in my personal life soon? Yes. Why? Because I'm broken. My career is broken and I need a new... Continue Reading →

Gas is high right now!

I'm not going to lie, these gas prices are killer right now for us. Let's talk about groceries. I've been doing curbside and pickup at the grocery stores near me. I always schedule them for my way home from work or a meeting in town so I'm not making a special trip into town. Trying... Continue Reading →

Sometimes I forget

YES, sometimes I forget about this and I don't know why. I have all these thoughts and things to say but I am typically driving when they pop in my head. I'm going to do better. I've been working on me for a while (see my turning 40 post) and it's been taking up some... Continue Reading →

Relax your social media

I was thinking a post to help others do what I've done would be nice. I have, what I call - Relaxed my social media. Namely the Facebook..... where I've found most of the chaos comes from due to being able to write more commentary and posts. The first step I took was unfollowing pages... Continue Reading →

Sometimes Reactions are just a reflection…

I've been doing a little soul searching lately. I've read a self-awareness book that really changed my outlook on many things. I've been exercising more and trying to maintain a healthy outward mood at work, even on the off days..... Sometimes reactions are a just a reflection. I have been asked if this is a... Continue Reading →


BUT THAT'S OKAY!  Sometimes it IS okay to cry!  Oh man it felt good too.  But now I'm over here like, girl straighten your A$$ Up.  Because I'm not used to showing alot of emotion anymore maybe?  I just tend to hide things now....  so many years of being told by every.damn.person that I was too emotional and now....  I'm the girl hiding tears about her son growing up?  I wanna slap all of you who had a hand in me having to "run away" to feel something behind closed doors....  I'm not even kidding, I love yall but I really need to feel this year better before it's gone 😭😭😭😭

Thanksgiving Cooking

I've crossed over from the pinterest recipes and cookbooks to the land of, I've been doing this so long I've got this. Not to toot my own horn, just that I've literally just stopped relying on written recipes so much. Which is hilarious, because I collect cookbooks! But tonight I caught myself, i realized when... Continue Reading →


So, I'm currently battling a pretty big demon inside. My son is leaving. I know this is going to happen. So I'm trying my hardest to put myself back in my 17 year old self and remember. I mean, it's been a few years.... Here is what I am recalling. I wanted out so I... Continue Reading →


I know 2020 has taken it's toll on all of us. It's apparent in the mental state of many, including myself and our pre-holiday holidays. So back about May 1st, I started think about Memorial Day... normally I don't plan for it until the week before. In June, I found myself planning the 4th of... Continue Reading →


when you realize you are bitter about your unfriends anymore, just thankful for the memories and wish them the best. hey glad you're alive girl, say hello to the kids.....

Side Hustles

So I'm not gonna even lie, I do have a side-hustle. I do not promote it on my blog, or really even on my social media's anymore. Very rarely will you see me post something more than a story share on occasion. That being said, I did flood my feed back in the day. All... Continue Reading →

Getting Healthyish

So I'm back on trying to eat healthyish. Yes that is a word. I scroll my social media and I see friend after friend - doing this and doing that. I was doing this but it didn't work or I think I'm gonna try this now because 6 weeks of this didn't work I only... Continue Reading →

Self Confidence

anyone else struggle with low self-confidence? it sucks. it effects your relationships, your daily routine, your kids, your work, and every aspect of your life. coping with it is hard and it seems like just when you get ahead of it BAAM some heifer decides to say something and just like that, you're back down... Continue Reading →


I'm seeing so many hate posts & comments on every social media outlet about the kids going back to school! I realize that you have to put your kids health above all else, I do. But if someone needs to work to feed said kids, that's important too. Day Cares are not going to make... Continue Reading →

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